miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

Past , Present and Future


Well, I think this picture represents my past because at  the beginning of this year everything was pretty confuse…, I choose the tunnel because I like to  believe that I knew what I was getting into, but actually I could see it clearly so that’s why I choose a curve tunnel where you can’t see the end


Today everything is going so fast, like I´m able to see what’s going on with my stuff but the rest of the world is confused and incomprehensible.


I hope I end this semester with a good feeling, like I’m going on the right way. Also  I’m exited for just come back to a normal life where I can do simple things, like look at the sky… just simple stuff, that would make me feel very happy :D

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

So about the English class I have to confess that this is actually my favorite class this semester… I have liked a lot, I don’t know exactly why…, maybe it’s because we talk about different things every class, and dynamics  are just fun, makes me think in other stuff than the rest of the days. About the blog sessions I have to say that I like them a lot, and it’s because it has made me think about different stuff, like the themes are not usually in my thoughts, so it has been very interesting for knowing myself better.

My English is right know in a critical situation, because I remember it used to be pretty good, and I never had problems for talking, like the pronunciation, etc. But when I started these course I discovered that my pronunciation got loose in Narnia or something like that, it’s amazing to hear myself talking these bad in English I mean … It makes me a little bit sad but at the same time it makes me realized that I have to practice more, because of course one day I would like to go on an exchange again or something like that and I can’t be talking these bad so… I think I will start talking out laud in my house or something like that, because I thought that just by watching TV or maybe reading in English would be enough, but it’s so different to speak… I hope I could get to know somebody to talk to ( in English of course ), people say the best way to learn a language its by been with some other who’s native language is the one you want to learn... so who knows, maybe I just need an English men! 

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Hi!! So today I’m going talk about Malala Yousafzai " a person I admire" 

The first time I heard about her was when my bigger sister brought her book (autobiography) home and the cover of the book immediately capture my attention, because there was a picture of this girl, and she have a special look…

I read the book and it really touched my soul, I was delighted, then I couldn’t stop thinking about her and looking for more information… And I will tell you why

She is a typical girl from Pakistan, from a valley called Swat, and she used to have a normal life, going to the school, having friends, getting love from her family, and actually being really happy.


 Her life started changing when the Taliban’s got to the power, and started forbidden a lot of things, and one of those things was letting girls go to school… so she started to write on a blog for the BBC ( anonymously) and actually tell what was happening daily, all the horrors and bad stuff. Of course the Taliban movement hated her because of the things she was writing, so they started a search, to find who she was… And they did, the October 9th of 2012 at the afternoon when she was on the school bus going back home she got headshot, three times, but she didn’t die.

She stayed on a very critical situation for long time, and the BBC helped to move her from Pakistan to England, because the Taliban movement wanted her dead, so she got recovered and all her family moved to England.

Then she turned famous when she won the peace Nobel Prize in 2014 at the short age of 17, but there is still so many things I’m not saying about her!! So please if you like to read, please read these book, it’s amazing how she describes everything, and all the things it makes you think about… or you can see the movie “ He named my Malala” ( I haven’t seen it but it supposed to be good)

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Summer holidays  

Well as we all know these summer will be specially short because of the “ Paro “ we had back in Winter, so for that reason, when I knew that we will be ending classes the 27th of JANUARY  (yes I know, it’s terrible) I decided to make a master plan for my short summer. 

Before that I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I had some money saved so I was kind a prepared for anything. I knew my friends wanted to go to Torres del Paine and they were waiting for the lowest prices and promotions to buy the tickets cheaper.

So one day they call me at 2 AM and told me that I have to buy the tickets right now because they were so cheap! . I did buy the tickets but then I realized I have nothing of the basic trekking equipment! So now I only have the tickets to Punta Arenas, but I’m missing shoes, special clothes, a good jacket, a bagpack… everything!

I have to say that I’m super excited about the trip because even if I have already been there with my family, I know it will be completely different with my friends! And also making the circuits by walking (not in car), and that I would see other things ( I was only 13 when I went there). The truth is that I’m very excited about the experience, I mean felling the fresh air, looking the amazing nature, knowing new people, just having a good time! 

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

My special talent: running

I don’t really know if it counts as an special talent, but I have to say I do it a lot, and actually I’m pretty good on it… It all started when my older sister went to USA for one year (as an exchange student) and here we received a girl also from the US. She became mi sister and my best  friend!, by the time I was 13 years old… and she liked to run a lot and I started to do it with her… and I never stopped. Then she went back to her country and I keep running, like alone on the streets! I think its funny because I was pretty young and I didn’t do it because I wanted to look good or something like that, it was just because I liked it, and I had a lot of fun running with my Mp3 ( with only 10 songs on it) and looking the city ( or most of the times the beach ) in a different way… after almost one year of doing that by my own and with any special propose, my mom found a track  academy and ask my to go there…I started participating in competitions but actually I was pretty bad haha. I just wanted to have fun and then I stopped going to that academy… but I never stop running.

Later in Santiago I entered  the track team of Universidad Catolica and it was a very nice year… but as I set before, I don’t love competitions so I stay there just for one year, and I never stopped running…
And I have to say I used also for knowing better this city, because sometimes I don’t plan exactly where  to go, and then I get lost… I took it as a new experience, every place its different…and the more you run the farthest you can get! And more places you get to know…  
Nowadays, I don’t have as much time as I had before, but I tried to do it anytime I can because, today it works like a treatment for myself… whenever I’m stressed, when I´m sad, when I have to think about something I run. After doing it I feel so good! Its just like a drug for me, everything seems to get better when Im finished!  so I  recommended to everybody !!!

Well I think that could be my special talent :D 

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Postgraduate course

Well I’m still not sure about what I would like to study next but I think it should be something related with thermal isolation of different materials, I don’t know if there is a course about that but I´m pretty interested in that since I lived in Denmark, because it was very surprising to me that home was never cold, and not only my house, all of them where perfectly heated, always… and I started to ask about their heating system. I thought, “Well they must have such a modern system, probably the best in the world “ and I was more surprised when I figured out that in most of the houses they just had a traditional chimney.

 I was shocked, so I started a mini investigation, and I found that they have an entire law system for buildings that actually defined everything. For example you were not allowed to build windows with only one glass, there must be minimum two (like a double one), and in some places they should be even three!, the buildings must be elevated at least 50 cm (far away from the cold of the ground), and the minimum width of a wall should be 40 cm (made with special isolating materials in between). So for that reason, when  I came back to Chile I was so used to enter to a place and take of my shoes and my jacket because it was warm enough, but here every place is colder or warmer (in summer) than the other! And I think I would never have noticed that if I haven’t lived in DK. 

 So that’s why I’m interested on that, and I would love to know more about that and then maybe I could help to create a special building law for every area of Chile. I think I would definitely have to study in another country, I don’t know if Dk would be the right one…

I would like to study in the traditional way with classes and maybe do a sort of investigation later... Maybe it would be good to have a part time job at the same time, then I would have money for traveling around!

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

Well I have to say that now that I’m 22 years old, I have never really thought about it… like seriously talking, I think I’m still a little bit confuse about it because I have been in many places and I change my career ( I studied design at Universidad Catolica before ), so now that I’m just starting these career I’m more confused than before… But I have to say that I’m happier now … I don’t know, I think it makes me more sense.
Explain these I can start thinking about my ideal job, well I have always liked to do things with my hands, that means, cooking, drawing, knitting and sewing.

So maybe my ideal job will be having a little independent store where I could sell my products to specific persons, maybe something more personal than a mall store, where I could talk to people and have feedback. These store should be in a small town, surrounded by beautiful nature (for example Swiss Alps or something like that) because then I could run through the mountains and enjoy every day the beautiful landscape. Ideally I would have lots of free time because those things are actually my hobby! And then selling the stuff wouldn’t take so much time… I think.
About the salary I think I don’t need too much money, because I will also like to have a little vegetable garden and maybe some animals, so then I could be kind of independent!

Well I know these sounds really fantastic but look at these !

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

So today I'm writing about a really good movie a want to recommend
 Its name is ¨El clan ¨ and it's a movie from Argentina. It´s very important to say that its based in real facts, so for me that gives extra points to a movie.
The movie is staged on the 70´s and in my opinion it's very well done, the colors, the clothing, cars, and everything in general its very well set.

So the movie is about a typical argentinean  family from middle class, that intends to have more money, so they start a kidnaping bussines. At the beggining the idea was to kidnap an important person (normally they will  choose somebody with money) ask for bounty and then set them free, but in the first try they ended up killing the person, and they did that with all the folowing ones. They movie is very terrifying because they keep  their hostages in their own house!, and the children
 get to listen the screaming's and all that!, but I can't tell you more, you have to see the movie! and always remember that this really happened so one more time reality is scaring than fiction...

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

The best concert ever

I decided to talk about one of the best days in my life, it was on march 22th of 2009, the day of Iron Maiden´s concert in Chile!. Well at that time I was younger of course, and I remember I´ve never been so excited about anything in my life before ...

I started to like Iron Maiden pretty young, I was only 11 when I heard it from the first time, and I remember it because I used to heard the radio, and one sunday nigth I heard the program "metal park" from rockandpop radio station, and I became crazy! I wanted to know everything about them, and I insisted a lot to my parents, even dough they didn´t like that kind of music.

One day my father came home with two tickets for Iron Maiden and I was really happy as I set before, I was super excited about that.

Everything was new and different for me, because I´ve never been in a metal concert before, and Im from La serena city so the fact about been in Santiago, the weather the people, everything! was crazy for me.

So we got to the Club Hipico at 3 or 4 in the afternoon and  I remember it was very warm, and I was so surprised by the amount of people that was there for the same reason! 
The atmosphere was amazing, even if I wasnt drunk like most of the people over there, I had such a great time waiting for the big moment. 
When the first band ends its little presentation and finally the concert started it was dark, like 9 or 10 pm and I remember my impression of filling the hit of the flames in my face... and the first song, it was magical!
The only bag thing was that lots of people stept on me  because everybody was as crazy as me, fortunately my dad was all the time huging me, so it didn´t end up that bad,
 I still love and heard Maiden !

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

A country I´d like to visit is Japan 

I really want to go to Japan one day, because I´ve always loved anime. But that was more accentuated when I was a teenager; now that I´m older I love watching all king of Japanese movies specially the ones from Ghibli studio. 

I think Japan is a country that we have a lot to learn from, the coulture, the food, sports, everything is kind of developed in a good way; also the architecture, I´d like to visit the temples and going to the famous ¨tea ceremony ¨, maybe spending a Japanesse new year with the traditional food and costumes. 

 Another thing I´d love to do is to try the traditional sushi, I mean the real sushi, and learn how to eat it, that would make me very happy.

Also I would like to try other traditional food, like the soups that appears in the anime series, they look so delicious! 

And at last, Id would love to go to the mountains and maybe take a thermal bath in the middle of the nature.